
When you apply for any Gateways program, ensure the email address linked to your Gateways Registry membership is accurate and current. You should check this email inbox on a regular basis. You should also ensure emails from Gateways are not being filtered to your junk/spam folder.

If the commitment requirement is not met, an invoice will be sent for the amount paid on your behalf for your most recent contract.

  • If you have had multiple scholarship contracts, you will only be asked to repay the amount from the most recent contract.
  • The repayment amount may be prorated if some of the commitment period was met. Please email the Gateways Scholarship program at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

If you are not providing care for Illinois children during the commitment period, you will be asked to re-pay the amount paid on your behalf for your most recent contract.

If you lose your job or change employment, you will need to find new employment in early care and education in an eligible program and eligible position. If you do not find new employment in early care and education in an eligible program and eligible position, you will be asked to re-pay the amount paid on your behalf for your most recent contract.

If an individual should go on FMLA/Maternity leave, individuals are able to finish their commitment upon return. All cases will be reviewed individually.

The scholarship program contacts (via email) previous GSP recipients whose commitment periods have ended. A Verification of Employment form (provided by GSP) and current paystub must be submitted.

  • For Family Child Care providers, Child Care Assistance Program(CCAP) certificates or Parent Proof of Care Forms can be submitted instead of a paystub.

No. The commitment period begins at the end of the contract period, which is June 30.

If you have multiple, continuous contracts, the commitment period starts after your last contract, and is six months or one year, as described above.

The work commitment must be completed in one of the following Illinois early care and education settings:

  • IDCFS licensed full day, full year family/group child care home or center: Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Director, Assistant Director
  • IDCFS Licensed school-age program operating a minimum of nine months a year: Teacher, Assistant Teacher
  • ISBE Funded Preschool for All program: Teacher, Assistant Teacher

Work commitment periods follow:

  • Six months for completion of a coursework contract (a degree, certificate, licensure, endorsement, was not completed)
    • The commitment period will be from July 1 – December 31
  • One year for completion of a degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s)
    • The commitment period will be from July 1 – June 30 of the next year
  • One year for certificate, licensure, endorsement completion
    • The commitment period will be from July 1 – June 30 of the next year

Regardless of when classes are completed during the contract period, the commitment period begins at the conclusion of the contract period, which is June 30.

Ex: Last class was completed in December, but contract is not complete until June 30. The commitment period will begin July 1.

All contracts begin on July 1st (or whenever an application is found eligible) and end on June 30th.

Signed scholarship applications serve as contracts between the Gateways Scholarship Program (GSP) and the scholarship recipient.

Excelerate Program

ExceleRate Illinois helps you prepare children for success in school and life.

It also provides standards, guidelines, resources, and support to help you make sensible changes that lead to better quality outcomes for children.