Glossary - F

  • FCC: Family Child Care
  • Family Child Care (FCC) Credential: A voluntary credential awarded at multiple levels that identifies what individuals working as a family child care provider should know and be able to demonstrate at various levels of training, education, and experience.
  • FCCERS: Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale
  • Family Specialist Credential (FSC): A voluntary credential awarded at multiple levels that identifies what individuals working with families in a strength-based model should know and be able to demonstrate at various levels of training, education, and experience.
  • Four-Year School: An institution legally authorized to award a student a baccalaureate degree. In Illinois four-year colleges and universities award baccalaureate degrees.
Excelerate Program

ExceleRate Illinois helps you prepare children for success in school and in life.

It also provides standards, guidelines, resources and supports to help you make sensible changes that lead to better quality outcomes for children.